In the hills outside Naples, St. Alphonsus Liguori and his first companions professed their vows as Redemptorists on this date in 1732. Those first few years were difficult — most of St. Alphonsus’ first confreres left him within a year or two. But the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer soon took root and spread throughout the world.
By 1787, Redemptorists had crossed the Alps and established a community in Poland. By 1820, they’d made their way to France. In 1832, the first six Redemptorists arrived in America. In 1859, the first sons of St. Alphonsus arrived in South America. They spread to Australia in 1882, Africa in 1899, the Caribbean in 1902, and the Philippines in 1906. Redemptorists entered Vietnam in 1925, and China in 1928. In 1948, there were Redemptorists in Japan, and by 1952 they’d arrived in Lebanon. Siberia saw its first Redemptorists in 1956, and Iraq welcomed them in 1962. Missions began in Madagascar in 1967, in Nigeria in 1987, Russia in 1993, and Ghana in 1994.
Today, there are approximately 5,300 Redemptorists serving in 76 countries. Please join us in giving thanks for the blessing of our Congregation, and praying that more young men will join us in proclaiming plentiful redemption.
Prayer for Vocations to the Redemptorist Family
Provident God,
you spoke your dream of plentiful redemption
in Jesus Christ.
Your Spirit ignited the heart of St. Alphonsus,
inspiring him to found a family in the Church
dedicated to proclaiming the good news
of plentiful redemption to the most abandoned.
Raise up among us
strong women and men of faith,
afire with love for you
and zeal for the mission of proclaiming your word
among those who do not know you,
or who need to hear your word proclaimed anew.
Guide men to respond with generosity
as vowed Redemptorist priests and brothers,
and women and men to serve in joy and hope
as partners in the Redemptorist mission.
We ask this in the name of Jesus,
your Word, who is our Life.