No one could look upon him, especially when at the altar, or in the pulpit, without feeling that there was immeasurably more of heaven than earth about this devoted servant of Christ. … The many who sought his spiritual guidance knew his only human weakness was his overflowing sympathy and charity for poor erring humanity.
— From a newspaper article in the New Orleans Picayune, Oct. 6, 1867, referring to Seelos
Please pray this weekend for the young men from across the country who will be attending a vocations retreat at the Shrine of Blessed Seelos in New Orleans, LA!
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer,
let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight.
I offer praise to you for the grace you have bestowed
on your humble Redemptorist missionary, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos.
May I have the same joyful vigor that Fr. Seelos possessed
during his earthly life to love you deeply
and live faithfully your gospel. Amen.
(Here mention your special intentions.)
Blessed Francis Seelos, pray for us!
For more about Blessed Seelos, visit