As we gather today with family, friends and neighbors to give thanks to God for his many blessings, we Redemptorists are also grateful to all of our friends and benefactors, for those who visit our website to listen to our daily audio homilies, for our Facebook friends and those we correspond with through the mail. For all those volunteers and partners who make our mission possible.
Thank you for the gift you are in our lives! May Our Redeemer continue to bless us, and Our Mother of Perpetual Help pray for us!
A happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Lord Jesus, everything you said to your disciples was said so that your joy would be in them and their joy would be complete. Be present also today at this meal and enliven our faith so that we might become more effective apostles in every good work. We ask this blessing in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, forever and ever. Amen.