Scripture readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 102; John 8:21-30
The Chosen People in today’s reading have wandered the desert and received the Ten Commandments and now in God’s providence are preparing to enter the Promised Land.
You would think they would be grateful. No! They’re complaining!
God responds by sending them seraph snakes. Moses’ intercession calms the divine wrath. The lifting up of the serpent on a pole reminds us of Christ, who was placed on the pole of the Cross. He accepted the punishment of death to heal us from our sins and bring us to eternal life with Him.
Some of Jesus’ listeners cannot get beyond what they can see, touch, or control. They had no faith in the Messiah who was right before them. The enemies of Jesus will “lift up the Son of Man.” But when they do, God will reveal Himself, and then they will know the oneness of the Father and Jesus.
Today let us pray for a greater appreciation of our faith and in gratitude that our life has a direction that will ultimately lead us to total union with Christ.
Rev. Kevin Milton, C.Ss.R.
Annapolis, Md.