Scripture readings: Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Daniel 3; John 8:31-42
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Very often I find myself advising folks in the confessional about the need to be honest. I am convinced that there are three types of honesty: with God, with others, and with oneself.
Whenever we can be honest in these three ways, there is no need to look over our shoulder, live in fear, or cover our tracks. Our lives are like open books.
To live with such honesty, we have to face the truth and be willing to admit it. In a very special way, isn’t that a key part of what Lent is all about?
And it’s not just for Lent either; it’s a lifelong process of growing and maturing as Christians and as human beings in our relationships with one another.
So let us strive always to be honest with God, with others, and with ourselves. The more we know this truth and live it, the more we will be free.
Rev. Robert Wojtek, C.Ss.R.