Someone once said that in the first three Gospels Jesus’ preaching emphasizes what the kingdom of God is, or as Dominican theologian Father Albert Nolan prefers to call it, the family of God. And in St. John’s Gospel, Jesus emphasizes who the Father of this family is.
The Gospels teach us that we are not alone. We belong to a large, extended family, and our Father is none other than the loving Father of Jesus.
There are certain truths we have to hang onto in life, especially when times are difficult and we feel that no one is holding us close or holding us up.
That’s when we need to remind ourselves, no, I am not alone. I am part of a large family. Jesus is my brother; Mary, my mother and sister; Joseph, my foster father—and the apostles and saints are all part of my extended family. Above all, I have a loving Father who will never abandon me and who always pardons me. He is like the father of the prodigal son, running toward me to give me his loving embrace and to welcome me back to his family again.
Father Thomas Travers, C.Ss.R.
Esopus, N.Y.
Scripture readings for today: Genesis 17:3-9; Psalm 105; John 8:51-59