Scripture readings: Isaiah 55:10-11; Psalm 34; Matthew 6:7-15
Could we have asked for two more beautiful readings as we enter the first full week of our Lenten season?
The prophet Isaiah boldly proclaims that everything our gracious God confirms and sets in place will be accomplished. The will of God will be done! And Jesus is the fulfillment of the words of the prophet.
In our Gospel, Jesus offers to His disciples, and to us, the perfect prayer of praise, thanksgiving, intercession, and petition. It is one of the first prayers we learn and one that we recite each day at Mass.
Today is a good day to take time and to treasure this prayer. Let us pray it slowly and deliberately and allow ourselves to reflect on each phrase. Let us hear the voice of Jesus calling us to the wonder and the awe of God. May it deepen our reverence for our God who is forever and always.
Rev. Denis J. Sweeney, C.Ss.R.
Download our 2014 Lenten reflections booklet here.