We yearn for communion with one another because of God’s yearning for communion with us. Father Billy reminds us that communion, according to John Paul II’s
Novo Millennio Ineunte, lies at the very heart of the Christian message.
Contemplating the other. Living in unity. Accepting each other as “gift.” Sharing each other’s burdens. Although such right relationship is meant to be practiced by
everyone, the “spirituality of communion” has special significance for religious, since they are called to be “experts” in its daily practice.
Father Billy points to the striking benefits and authentic renewal that embracing a spirituality of communion can bring to the life of men and women religious and their communities. He offers companionship and concrete strategies for helping to help narrow the “gap” between the vision of what we desire to become and the reality of who we are.
Each chapter opens with an epigram about religious life and closes with a series of reflection questions.