Sometimes you’ll notice them and sometimes you won’t. They can be good at hiding behind pillars or other parishioners but eventually, and thanks to God, they do approach you and then the flood gates open, whether it’s a man or woman. Tired shoulders carrying years of guilt or grief shake up and down as the stories unfold of detours, darkness and dread.
I’ll call her Magda. I saw her Monday morning and Monday evening and by Tuesday morning she was ready to talk. I was out of time because I had the children coming to church for their mini-mission, so we scheduled to meet later that morning. Magda told me that the wait was awful — she thought she wouldn’t come back because her head was about to explode. She told me her story of sorrow and sin, and I was able to offer healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
On the final evening after the Mass, when she approached me during the reception, she again exploded in tears but these were accompanied by a smile. She was effusive in her thanks and I was grateful in my response, knowing how privileged I am to be here at this moment helping this soul, watching as newness dawned and seeing plentiful redemption happen once again.
— Fr. Daniel Francis, C.Ss.R.
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You’re beautiful (Fr. Bill Gaffney)