It is a privilege to share a word with you in my first message in “Provincial Ponderings!” I am most grateful to Father Paul Borowski for all of his wonderful ponderings over these past years and for his ministry of servant leadership to our community as our Provincial. Please join me in prayer that Father Paul enjoys some good rest, enjoyable re-creation, and peaceful relaxation as he begins his sabbatical time in the days to come.
This month of March has been a bit of a whirlwind in my life and ministry. At the request of our Redemptorist General Government, I traveled to Rome from March 4-11 to attend a weeklong meeting with 28 other English-speaking Provincials with our Superior General and his Council. It was a grace-filled time for me to gather in prayer, dialogue, and fraternal communion with confreres from all around the Redemptorist world, and to experience firsthand the power of the Spirit that ‘makes us one missionary body.’ We are indeed blessed as the Baltimore Province to be part of the world-wide Redemptorist Congregation in proclaiming the Good News of God’s plentiful love to the poor and most abandoned. It was quite touching, as well, to hear so many expressions of appreciation and admiration from confreres of other units for the support and solidarity of our Province to the mission and work of the whole Congregation throughout the world. While it was certainly a busy week in Rome, the Spirit moved within and amongst us in the flurry of meetings and events to energize our sense of solidarity and hope for the mission we share.
As this edition of The Baltimore Beacon goes to print, we have begun the second week of our 18th Provincial Chapter at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, New Jersey. Beginning on Monday, March 13th and continuing through midday on Friday, March 17th, the Chapter fathers and brothers have gathered together to reflect on our Identity, Mission, Religious Life, Formation, and Leadership as Redemptorists. Presentations, prayerful reflection, and shared conversation have generated ideas, suggestions, and proposals to provide direction and inspiration to our life and ministry for the years to come. Our former Superior General and dear confrere, Father Michael Brehl, encouraged all Chapter Members to live and to celebrate the Chapter as a “Pentecost event” in his opening retreat talk to us. It has been both moving and inspiring for me to experience the power, strength, and light of the Spirit in the prayer, process, and presence that we have shared and celebrated with the Lord and with one another during these days. As it was in Rome, so it has been back home at Chapter: busy and full days filled with the grace and peace of the Holy Spirit!
Be assured that your prayer, presence, and support to all of us is a gift of the Holy Spirit for which we are all most grateful. Thank you for all the ways you bless us and share in our celebration of who we are as Redemptorists at Chapter and in our ministry to God’s people. I look forward to keeping in touch with you in The Baltimore Beacon in all the months to come. May God continue to bless all of us in the Redemptorist family and the people of God we are privileged to serve. Peace, thanks, and best to all!