Happy feast day of Our Mother of Perpetual Help!
We’ve just learned that a documentary about OMPH, Icon of Love, is airing in several languages tonight, June 27, at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Here’s how you can watch the English version:
Shalom World TV, USA
Icon of Love 8:00PM ET/BST.
On Smart TVs, check out this link: http://www.shalomworldtv.org/connected-tv
On smartphones and tablets: http://www.shalomworldtv.org/mobile-apps
You can also watch online at www.ShalomWorldTV.org/live
The documentary film was prepared by the communications office of the Redemptorists in Rome to celebrate the 150th jubilee of the icon since it was entrusted to the Redemptorists by Pope Pius IX. The icon has been in Rome since 1499 and is permanently enshrined in the church of Sant’Alfonso di Liguori.
Read the full article here.