Redemptorist Father Leo Dunn, a former missionary, parish priest, teacher, and retreat house director, died Friday, June 19, at Saratoga Springs Hospital in New York. He had been living at St. John Neumann Residence in Saratoga Springs since 2004 and was 92 at the time of his death.
Redemptorist Father Francis Brown, known as a zealous "fisher of men," died unexpectedly of an apparent heart attack while fishing with a parishioner and the man’s grandson. The shock of the 66 year-old priest’s death on Thursday, June 18, reverberated through Sacred Heart Parish in New Smyrna Beach, FL, the Vice Province of Richmond, where he had readily agreed to serve because he was asked, and his home Province of Baltimore.
Last Saturday, Cardinal Justin Rigali blessed and installed a restored icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in a new side altar at the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. The icon and the altar came from St. Boniface Parish in Philadelphia, and were gifted to the cathedral by the Redemptorists and St. Boniface parishioners, whose parish is now closed.