Just ahead of the 200th anniversary of the birth of St. John Neumann, the fourth bishop of Philadelphia and the first Redemptorist to profess vows in the U.S., the saint’s shrine will be featured in an upcoming episode of the Faithful Traveler series on EWTN.
Redemptorists and friends recently gathered to celebrate the renovation of the chapel at St. Clement’s Mission House in Ephrata, PA. St. Clement’s is home to the Redemptorist priests and brothers who serve Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church in Ephrata and St. James Church in Lititz, PA.
Congratulations to Father Denis Sweeney who finished the Boston Marathon Monday with a time of 3:56:36! He finished 14,506th out of 27,000. Father Denis, who is the director of the Redemptorist theology students at Mission Church in Boston , has completed several other marathons.
From our provincial, Very Rev. Patrick Woods, C.Ss.R. : The confreres of the Baltimore Province express our deepest sympathy and extend the promise of prayers to our Polish confreres working in New Jersey, Maryland, Chicago, St Croix, and the Virgin Islands as they mourn the tragedy that has befallen their nation in the plane crash that took the lives of their President and First Lady, as well as so many other national leaders.
Redemptorists and friends will gather April 11 for a private blessing of the newly renovated chapel at St. Clement’s Mission House in Ephrata, PA. St. Clement’s is the Redemptorist residence that houses priests and brothers assigned to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish in Ephrata and St. James Parish in Lititz, as well as several retired Redemptorists in need of assisted living care.
"On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb" (John 20:1). Alleluia! Our Redeemer in risen! On this Easter Sunday, we wish you and your loved ones all the joy of Our Lord’s resurrection.