Feast day: August 1 Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, the founder of the Redemptorists, was born in 1696 near Naples, Italy, the son of a captain in the Royal Navy and a very devoted mother from a noble family in the city.
Father Tom Forrest, a Redemptorist priest and a worldwide leader of the charismatic renewal, died July 16, 2018, just two days shy of his 91st birthday. Born in Brooklyn, New York, on July 18, 1927, he professed his vows as a Redemptorist on August 2, 1949, and was ordained by Cardinal Francis Spellman on June 20, 1954.
On this day Redemptorists celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Redeemer. This feast has been celebrated by the Redemptorists on the third Sunday of July since 1749. “Yes, my gentle Redeemer, let me say it, You are crazy with love!
Please join us in congratulating all the Redemptorists of our province who are celebrating major anniversaries in 2018. You’ll find them listed below. Professed as Redemptorists Ordained to the Priesthood 70 years 65 years Father John Hennessy Father John Hennessy 65 years 60 years Brother Bernard Colleran Father John Devin Father John Devin Father Edward Gray Father Edward Gray Father Richard Knappik Father Richard Knappik Father James O’Blaney Father James O’Blaney Father William Spillane Father William Spillane 50 years 60 years Father Donald Miniscalco Father Brendan Greany Father George Rosario Father Richard Poetzel Father Gerard Symkowiak 50 years 40 years Father Felix Catala Father Philip Dabney Father Gerard Knapp Father Peter Sousa Father Robert Pagliari Cardinal Joseph Tobin Father Joseph Tizio Father Patrick Woods 25 years Father Edmundo Omar Molina 40 years Father Jerome Chavarria Father Adam Koncik 25 years Brother George Armoogam Save Save Save
The feast day of St. Alphonsus Liguori, founder of the Redemptorists, is August 1. As we get ready to celebrate his special day, we invite you to join us in asking his intercession for all our needs and special intentions.