Frater Ako Walker (left foreground), Provincial Superior Father Paul Borowski, and Frater Michael Cunningham (right foreground) on the day the two young men made their final profession of vows. Two young Redemptorists were ordained transitional deacons this month: Frater Michael Cunningham on August 11 at his home church in Bethpage, N.Y., and Frater Ako Walker on August 18 at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Mission Church) in Boston.
August 25 is the memorial of Blessed Methodius Dominic Trčka, C.Ss.R. On April 24, 2001, in the presence of Pope St. John Paul II, the decree of martyrdom was promulgated for five Redemptorists: four Ukrainians and one Czech, Father Methodius Dominic Trčka.