The Redemptorists of the Baltimore Province elect a new leadership team to serve during the 2023-2026 term. Rev. John Collins, C.Ss.R., is elected Provincial Superior; Rev. John Olenick, C.Ss.R., is elected Provincial Vicar; and Rev. Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R., is elected Provincial Consultor.
Bishop Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., has been selected to receive the “Pope Francis Award” , which will be presented during the charity event “Keep Hope Alive 2021” and will be presented by Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of Chicago.
Redemptorist Father Fabio Marín Morales celebrated his 35th anniversary of ordination June 13. During the Mass at his parish, St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis, he gave thanks to God for “these 35 years He has led me by His hand.” Father Marín was born in Neira, Caldas, Colombia, on Oct. 3, 1959.
The Holy Father has appointed the following ad quinquennium as members of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: His Eminence Cardinal Joseph William Tobin , C.SS.R., archbishop of Newark, United States of America; His Eminence Cardinal James Michael Harvey , archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls; His Eminence Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller , prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; His Eminence Cardinal Mario Grech , secretary general of the Synod of Bishops; Archbishop Cyril Vasil’ , S.J., titular of Ptolemais in Libya, apostolic administrator sede plan of Košice for Catholics of Byzantine rite, Slovakia; Archbishop Celso Morga Iruzubieta of Mérida-Badajoz, Spain; Bishop Christoph Hegge , titular of Sicilibba and auxiliary of Münster, Germany; Bishop Mark Leonard Bartchak of Altoona-Johnstown, United States of America; Bishop Dominicus Meier , O.S.B., titular of Castro di Sardegna and auxiliary of Paderborn, Germany; Bishop Andrea Migliavacca of San Miniato, Italy; Bishop Pierantonio Pavanello of Adria-Rovigo, Italy; and Bishop Egidio Miragoli of Mondovì, Italy.
Please mark your calendars and join us in prayer for the upcoming events. Br. Augustus Riviere, C.Ss.R., will profess perpetual vows August 7, 2021 at the Saint Martin de Porres Chapel in Dominica. Rev.
Largest graduating class in Franciscan University’s history celebrates outdoor graduation weekend. STEUBENVILLE, OHIO—Franciscan University of Steubenville celebrated its 73rd commencement exercises May 14-15 by bestowing 756 diplomas, making the Class of 2021 the largest in the school’s history.
Volunteers with St. Clement’s Outreach program pose in the food pantry. About 150 volunteers in various ministries serve more than 300 people each month. It’s 9 a.m. on a typical Tuesday morning at St. Clement’s Church in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Of the 100 or so daily Mass-goers, only a handful remain, chatting over a cup of coffee in the parish center.
By Father John McKenna, C.Ss.R. Recently the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Brooklyn got a delightful surprise, a wonderful windfall. It turned out that for a very long time we’d been paying a utility bill that wasn’t ours.
By Father James Wallace, C.Ss.R. Sunrise at San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch, N.J. Another year has passed at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, N.J., and this year almost 12,000 came for a retreat or a day or evening of prayer.
By Frater Ako Walker, C.Ss.R. Frater Ako Walker, C.Ss.R. On September 22, 2017, a few days after Hurricane Maria battered Dominica, the parish of St. Theresa in Barataria held a historic meeting of Dominicans living in Trinidad and Tobago.
By Father Kevin Murray, C.Ss.R. This photo of the dining room of Holy Redeemer Retreat Center in Roseau, Dominica, shows a sample of the devastation Hurricane Maria caused to the island. There is a ferry boat service from St. Lucia to Dominica.
A homecoming Mass was celebrated October 28 in the lower church of the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Father Patrick Woods was the main celebrant, and Father John Murray was the homilist. This year marks 125 years of service to the people of God in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, through the venerable gray lady, Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Sisters in Beacon, N.Y., celebrate with Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin on August 9. It’s been over four years since we moved to Beacon, New York, to live with the Discalced Carmelites in the Monastery of the Incarnation.
Father Mark Wise, C.Ss.R., and parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Newton Grove, N.C., hold a procession on their patron’s feast day. In 1927 the Baltimore Province began the Newton Grove foundation in the most rural county of North Carolina, in a small town that served as a hub to the surrounding localities.
North American Redemptorist students gathered at Notre Dame Retreat House in Canandaigua, N.Y., during the fourth week in May for formation, learning, building friendships, and—for some—the renewal of vows.
By Annette C. Silva Our Lady of Lourdes Parish confirmation class of 2017, seen with Bishop W. Francis Malooly of Wilmington, Del. Seaford, located in Sussex County, is often called “lower, slower Delaware” by those to the north.
An exterior view of St. James the Greater Church in Concord, N.C. On April 4 St. James the Greater Parish in Concord, N.C., celebrated the dedication of its new Our Lady of Guadalupe Hall. Having seen a 40 percent increase in parishioners in the past three years, the community badly needed more space for faith formation, youth and young-adult programs, Bible studies, and other needs.
By Father Mike Houston Father Mike Houston, C.Ss.R., during a celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Gerard’s in Lima, Ohio. Hispanic ministry at St. Gerard’s in Lima, Ohio, has been growing at a slow and steady pace.
By Father John Murray, C.Ss.R. In January 1857, three American-born Redemptorists, Isaac Hecker, Nathaniel Hewitt, and Francis Baker, preached a mission in the cathedral of St. Augustine, Fla. After closing the mission, the fathers traveled to the cathedral in Charleston, S.C., to join their confreres, Clarence Walworth and George Deshon, who had already opened a mission there.