As only God’s Providence would have it, this issue of the Beacon goes to print on the first day of summer! School’s out! The grill is on with burgers and dogs! And the beaches, the mountains, and all the grounds of picnic and sport shout out this season’s invitation: Take a break and relax! Enjoy the great outdoors! Get some extra rest! Have fun at play!
The Redemptorists of the Baltimore Province elect a new leadership team to serve during the 2023-2026 term. Rev. John Collins, C.Ss.R., is elected Provincial Superior; Rev. John Olenick, C.Ss.R., is elected Provincial Vicar; and Rev. Kevin O’Neil, C.Ss.R., is elected Provincial Consultor.
Grateful to God for the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI, who passed away last Saturday, 31 December 2022, we recall one of his Wednesday catechesis, dedicated to St Alphonsus Liguori, founder of the Redemptorist Congregation. We invite you to read it! The catechesis was delivered at Castel Gandolfo on 1 August 2012.
The Redemptorists of the Baltimore and Denver Provinces are pleased to announce that their archive library catalog is now available live in an online format.
Rev. Edward Joseph Gray, C.Ss.R., of the Saint Alphonsus Villa community, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, died on November 27, 2022, age 90 and three months.
Two Redemptorists, Ivan Levytsk,y C.Ss.R., and Bohdan Heleta, C.Ss.R., parish priest and vicar of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, were arrested by the Russian occupation administration in Berdyansk, west of Mariupol. They were accused of subversive activities against the occupiers, the Donetsk Exarchate of the Greek Catholic Church said in a statement.
Presented as an opportunity to positively stimulate and revitalize the Congregation, restructuring for mission was first formally recommended at the 21st General Chapter.
Redemptorists have been in continuous ministry in the Church for 290 years. On the occasion of the anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, which falls on 9 November, the new General Government addressed the entire Redemptorist family with a message.
Very Rev Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R. (São Paulo, Brazil) was elected the 18th Superior General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.
A group of 25 Redemptorists, Partners in Mission (PIM), and friends throughout the North American Conference met online last Saturday to discuss raising environmental consciousness and share concrete ways to address the climate crisis.
by Javier Moran, C.Ss.R. and Matthew Allman, C.Ss.R.
Thursday, July 14th, 2022, marked the beginning of a new era in the Redemptorists’ North American Conference. Nine young men from the units of Canada, the United States, and Mexico began their novitiate together in the former St. Alphonsus Seminary in Tlalpizahuac, Mexico, just outside of Mexico City.
Twelve years ago on a beautiful sunny day when I was in ministry at San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, New Jersey, I decided to go for a walk and was on the boardwalk when I tripped and fell. My life changed forever that day. Now, I am paralyzed from the chest down.
Father Patrick John McGarrity, C.Ss.R., a member of the St. John Neumann community at Stella Maris, Timonium, Maryland, died May 27, 2022, at the age of 86 years and 5 months.
Rev. Frank Nelson, C.Ss.R., a member of the St. John Neumann community at Stella Maris, Timonium, Maryland, died on May 16, 2022, age 84 and three months.
Brother De Sales Zimpfer, of the St. John Neumann Residence, Stella Maris, Timonium, Maryland died on May 1, 2022, three days ahead of his 87th birthday.